It was a good week! Alvaro and his family continue to progress. This last Sunday, both parents were working, but his 3 daughters (Danna, Paula, Sofia) got ready for church all on their own, and we went together. This is especially impressive because when I was 13, 12 or 9, I don't know if I'd have been so responsible! They really enjoy church! They're really great and they're progressing along very nicely. As for the other investigators, we're helping them progress and keep their commitments. The hardest part is definitely getting them to come to church where we can worship the Lord together.
Things are going slowly, but we keep working. As for recent news, we just got done with a 2-almost-3 day exchange with the Barrio 5 zone leaders. I was working down there in Madrid while Elder Cerro took my place in Villalba. We ended the exchange by going to Cercedilla to hike. When we arrived, it was snowing! But we still got out and hiked around a bit and had fun.
As for life after death: anything that can wait till I get home, I'd like it to wait. I want to be able to work these last few weeks as if they were no different from any other three weeks in my mission.
Wow Emily, moving up the wedding to June 4th? At least you haven't moved it up to April 4th yet! :)
Other than that, I'm just doing my best to work hard. Nothing has changed, just the calendar. And thanks for the love and support you all show me.
Till next time,
-Elder Knorr