Empezaremos con lo primero: the work in the area, all goes well. We have been making big efforts when it comes to finding more people to teach, really "putting our shoulder to the wheel" and contacting a ton. Though we haven't had time to teach many lessons, we haven't let that keep us from working as hard as we can. There's an abundance of work to do in Alcobendas so we don't really have any excuses for not contacting all the time! Plus, there are a lot of people who give us their addresses and are willing to have us come by and teach them a gospel message. One of these days, I'm sure we'll find someone who is ready and willing to take the next steps.
Entering the last few days before transfers, our "office duties" have been extremely demanding this week. We are working hard to make all of the travel/residency arrangements for those who are moving. It's funny for me to compare how I used to certain aspects of the mission and how I now view them, working in the office (for instance, transfers.) Before I came here, transfers were kind of fun, and scary, and not knowing where I might go. It involved some stresses, but I had no idea. Now that I'm in the office, I know well ahead of time where everyone is going (2 to 3 weeks) and rather than wondering curiously as to where I might go, I'm just worried about fixing all of the residency and government documents for the moving missionaries, and my companion is focused on arranging travel plans and making sure everyone has the money or tickets or confirmation numbers they'll need. Besides that, It's been a bit of a stress, but we finally have everything figured out and sent off. However, there are still lots of little things we'll have to arrange and plan out to the finest point before the actual transfer happens this coming Monday. In other office things, I'm learning how to be more organized and punctual and effective. I still slip up sometimes, but I feel like I'm making strides.
Knowing now what all the transfers are, we have to maintain a thick cloak of secrecy around the "transfer secrets" so that no information gets out too soon. At times we have to obtain information from missionaries getting transferred, and have to do it in a way that doesn't arouse their suspicion *cue mission impossible music*. I've almost slipped up lots of times while talking to other missionaries, almost telling them sensitive transfer information, but so far we've done pretty well.
For the first time in weeks, it looks like it might rain today. I like sudden rainstorms in the middle of a hot summer; it helps cool things down a bit. Lately, it has been very hot. The fair of San Sebastián has been in full swing the past week, with partying all night every night. When we went to Church Sunday morning, we were stunned to see garbage all over the place. Seriously, remember that scene from Wall-E where the world is completely covered in garbage? It was much like that. I'll send a few pictures.
We've set aside a sizable portion of time today to just writing letters. It's been awhile since I've been able to catch up on my letter writing, and I feel kind of bad for that. I hope to write at least 6 today. In fact, besides the normal email, cleaning and grocery shopping, all of the other time is dedicated to just that! Last week we took care of chores like washing the car and such, but today we're going to be taking it easy. So take heart! Letters are on the way. :)
Well, that's about it that I've got for today. I'm glad that Megan's talk went well, and that Emily has found a new job (that isn't insane.) Plus, the steakhouse is named after some prehistorical Native Americans. Cool! :) Anyway, glad to hear that everyone is doing well and I'm sad to hear that the Odyssey has been sold. Lots of memories of fun, carsick road trips are attached to that vehicle! :)
I love you all and I hope to hear from you soon. I'm doing fine here, and I know that the Church is true.
-Elder Knorr
People I know here in Alcobendas -
My companion Elder Anderson with the Seels at the temple
Elder Bartholomew and Elder Sauñé at El Escorial
Freencky and Farrah Portas (twin members of the ward). Freencky helps us a lot with missionary work.
Our Missionary District
Photo documentation of my grand HAIRCUT, given to me by the muy cariñosa Hermana Jewell.
It turned out really well!
After the all-night party