Saturday, August 7, 2010

Surprise Phone Call!!!

We received a phone call first thing this morning!

No, not from Elder Knorr...but from the Seels, a senior couple returning from Madrid.

Elder Seel served as the financial secretary and Sister Seel as the mission nurse. Christopher was their district leader, and has affectionately mentioned them several times in his emails. Sister Seel helped with his toenail problem and when he was very sick with the stomach flu a few months ago. The last few weeks they've been working in the mission office together. It sounds like they know each other very well.

Elder Seel had wonderful things to say - that Elder Knorr is one of the best missionaries in the mission, that he is an exceptional young man, very inquisitive, a hard worker, and a great example to all of them. The Seels flew home to California today, and will be coming out to Utah in September. We can't wait to meet them!

Thanks for the glowing report, Elder and Sister Seel...and thank you for your selfless service in the Spain Madrid Mission.