Here are some little excerpts from the letters we received today.
To Dad:
"How's it going back there in the quiet little town of Orem, Utah, where it's rare to smell cigarette smoke and the customer service is excellent? Ah yes, sometimes I think with fondness on those times. But for now, I've been called to serve on the front lines of the Lord's war, the frontier, as it were, and I feel it a prviledge to breathe this tainted air, to endure the angry glares, to shift my gaze every 2 seconds while walking down the street because it's summer again and the styles are changing accordingly. After all, if through my sacrifice the Lord works a miracle and a few souls are saved, then it was all well worth it, in my opinion. The work goes well here in Barrio 2. Looking for the wheat among the tares! I've already been able to help many people here in Spain, but I have a feeling that tells me that several more are still waiting for the gospel. And as we all know, the only way to get to those people is through lots and lots of work! So that's what we're doing."
To Emily:
"The missionary work is going well here. There's so much to do, and so little time! I know there are people who still need us though, and that keeps me working hard even when things suck (and they do sometimes). I know this is where I'm supposed to be and I'm proud to be able to serve the Lord like this. If I were you, I'd definitely keep "the mission" in my options for the future. You'd love it! But yeah, just an idea..."
To Megan:
"Thanks for writing me, sis. I love you! Don't ever forget who you are: a choice daughter of God who has a very important work to do here on Earth. Keep safe!"
To Ethan:
"Hey bro, I just want you to know that I'm having a great time here as a missionary. It's the most fun, challenging, worthwhile adventure ever! You're going to love it when it's your turn, I'm sure of it. Remember Ethan, I've got your back and I'll stand by you in anything. We're brothers, and that's what brothers do: look out for and help each other. Don't forget what's important, and don' forget about me: your coolest brother. Take care of your sisters, and write back soon!"