Hey family and friends and faceless puppet creatures! I hope everything has been going well back home. Thanks for the letters and love you've been sending me, it helps me work harder. We've had a very full and eventful week, so I'll get to telling you all about it.
We had a fun, spiritual and constructive time at Zone Conference. We were visited by Elder Kopische (still not sure if I'm spelling that right). He speaks very good English and gave a very good talk that helped me learn how I can better help my investigators towards baptism. It was awesome and very applicable to me personally, and as a missionary.
We've been fighting over here in Segovia, doing our best to help our investigators set firm dates. And we've had success! Alfredo and William are both set to get baptized the 27th of March! :)
They are both great men. Alfredo is a carpenter: simple, humble, and full of faith. William, his 27-year-old son, is in the Spanish Air Force, training to become a paratrooper. He is humble, strong, kind, and knows what's important in life. Once he decides to do something, he will do it (you have to have that mindset if you're going to throw yourself out of a plane).
They're both very prepared for baptism and have strong testimonies. Alfredo, however, has one concern. He wants to be baptized just as Jesus was, all the way down to getting baptized in a river. In fact, he insists on getting baptized in a river. :) So, we'll be having the baptism
in the Rio Eresma that runs alongside Segovia. It should be fun, and different. This Monday, we went looking for a good place to have it and we found just the right place.
The Cardenas family is doing great! Luis Enrique is the branch mission leader and he really has a fire in the belly to share the Gospel with all of his family and friends. His friends have all noticed how he doesn't drink anymore and they all ask him about it. He had the missionaries sent to his mother's house in Peru to teach her the Gospel too.
He likes having us over to teach his family, and to feed us Peruvian food. In fact, he's invited us over to eat with them today, so we'll see what he makes! :) At his house, I've eaten rabbit, squid, and a large variety of other foods. He cooks really well and we enjoy eating with him. Carola, his wife, is a very kind and loving person who loves the way that the Gospel has helped her family become more united. She knows what's important in life and she does everything she can to live the commandments. Luis Guillermo, the 13-year-old son, is really one of my best friends here in Segovia. He's a big time comedian and always has something witty and hilarious to say. He is also very focused on what's important. I have never met anyone so grateful to hold the Aaronic Priesthood as him. He takes very seriously his priesthood duties and frequently gives thanks for the opportunity to hold it in his prayers. He's a good kid and loves the scriptures and loves the Gospel.
There's a circus moving in across the street from our apartment building. Looking out the window, we've seen rhinos, zebras, and camels. Pretty cool!
The weather has become downright pleasant these past few days! Spring is finally on its way.
Sending letters to my direct address has been working well! I've received several letters in record time. DO NOT SEND ANY MORE TO MY DIRECT ADDRESS, however, until I know that I'm not getting transferred. I would hate to lose mail in the change. For now, please just use the mission address like usual.
The mission truly is a strange thing. I realized with shock the other day that I only have 14 days left until I hit my 12 month mark. I truly will have come full circle! Serving as a missionary is a completely unique experience. There are things that I have been learning out here that I could not have learned in any other way, and ways that I am growing that I could not have experienced in any other way. I am truly grateful for the way the Lord is blessing me for my service. I only hope that my sacrifice is enough for Him.
Get out here! You will never regret it and it will be by far the best experience you've had up to this point in your life. I know you hear everyone say that all the time, but it is true! I'm living it and I'm telling you now. Be sure to let me know where you get called, alright?
Well, family and friends, I love you all. I'm very grateful to be surrounded by people like you. Thanks for the constant support, love and prayers that you've been sending my way.
I'm still working hard here in Segovia and trying my best to help the people here. They need the Gospel, even if they haven't quite clued in yet. Marchemos, pues, y daremos fin a esta gran iniquidad! [We march then, and we will take aim at this great iniquity.]
-Elder Knorr