The last week has been a precious and fast one. On Thursday after weekly planning we went on a four-hour train ride to Madrid, where we stayed for the next two nights. Elder Morris and I got to the missionary apartment just before 9:30 and were the first ones there. Next came Elder Fronce and Elder Ostler, who let us in. Elder Morris and I got ready for bed and then we heard the door open. I heard familiar breathing and got ready around a corner from the
hallway. I heard Elder Parry's voice say, "You can go say 'hi' if you want," and I prepared to spring. I caught Elder Knorr totally unprepared. Elder Fronce took a picture afterwards and a daily planning session later we got to chat. That night (and the next one, for that matter) I hardly slept, not due to any conversations we might have had (we were in different rooms) but because that apartment is with the majority of missionary apartments here in that they don't have the convenience of air conditioning.
Plus I was sleeping on the floor on two couch cushions and a blanket for a pillow. But we did have some good conversations and we got to sing for the other elders and on Elder Knorr's tape recorder. We'll be doing more of that as occasions permit.