Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Excerpts from April 7, 2009 Letter

I just got the doughnuts - Thank you! It just so happens that we have 12 missionaries in our district, and let me just say that they all LOVE YOU.

It's great to hear from you and also from Grandmas and Grandpas. Please give them my thanks and love.

You were right about conference; many of my fellow Elders and Hermanas believe that it was aimed specifically at the MTC. If you thought the regular sessions were talking to missionaries, then you should have heard the Priesthood session - President Uchtdorf gave my new favorite talk.

OK, to answer your questions:

I've been very happy with my equipment so far. The only thing I need is MORE LETTERS and MORE DOUGHNUTS...

I got moved up to the Intermediate class and I'm enjoying it so much more than beginning class.

No travel plans; those will be given at a later time. The date they gave me for departure is April 21st, visas willing...

Thank you for organizing my blogspot.

Time to listen to Vaughn J. Featherstone.

Your missionary,

Christopher Knorr
Élder Knorr (canor)

P.S. Note that my MTC mailbox has changed.